价: 974.79 (-0.76%)
估值日期: 昨天
今年来: +3.10%
年化: -0.96%
基金数: 25 支
成分股数: 542 支
PE.ETF加权 13.41
百分位: 数据受限
PE.市值加权 12.06
百分位: 数据受限
PE.等权 21.41
百分位: 数据受限
PB.市值加权 1.16
百分位: 数据受限
ROE: 数据受限
股息: 数据受限
净利润同比: 数据受限
平均市值: 数据受限

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ROE = 近4个季度的净利润 / 最新净资产 * 100%。
MSCI国际通:MSCI中国A股国际通(人民币);The MSCI China A Inclusion RMB Index is designed to track the progressive partial inclusion of A shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index over time. The index is designed for domestic China investors and is calculated using China A local listings based on the onshore RMB exchange rate (CNY) The MSCI China A Inclusion RMB Index is designed to track the progressive partial inclusion of A shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index over time. The index is designed for domestic China